Establish custom field relationships with parts and part-supplier links

Custom fields allow you to be more specific with your tagging and generate more insights into the specific parts you are ordering and how you link them to your suppliers.

Below you will find how to establish custom fields for new parts and established parts through these steps:

  1. Add a custom field to a new part
  2. Add a custom field to an existing part
  3. Add a custom field to new Part-supplier links
  4. Add or edit custom fields to existing Part-supplier links

Add a custom field to a new part

  1. When logged in, click the Global actions button, blue "+"
  2. Click Individually
  3. Scroll down to Custom part fields
  4. Enter the values in the established part fields
  5. Click Next
  6. If you need to add more components or turn it into Assembly, follow that process
  7. Click SAVE & EXIT

Add a custom field to an existing part

  1. Either locate the part through the Parts base or in the global search
  2. In the parts detail page, click Edit
  3. Enter the information in the Custom Parts fields section
  4. Click SAVE & EXIT

This can also be achieved and edited in cells by going into the Parts base views:

  1. If establishing a new view follow these steps
  2. Add the columns that are related to the custom fields. The names for these will appear based on how you saved them when establishing your custom fields.
  3. Once added, scroll to that column and edit as many as you wish in-line
  4. Click SAVE EDITS

Add a custom field to a new Part-supplier link

  1. When logged in, click the Global actions button, blue "+"
  2. Select Create part-supplier link
  3. Click Individually
  4. Through the dropdown select the supplier and part that you wish to update
  5. Scroll down to Custom part-supplier fields
  6. Enter the information
  7. Click SAVE

Add or edit custom fields to existing Part-supplier links

You can also do the same steps by locating the part through the Parts-Supplier links base or clicking on the part detail page of the specific part:

To establish this through the Parts-Supplier links base views:

  1. Select the new column(s) you wish to add
  2. You may be prompted to save it as a new view
  3. Click into the new custom fields
  4. Add the information
  5. Click SAVE

To establish this through the parts detail page:

  1. Locate the part either through a Parts base view or through the global search
  2. Click on the Suppliers Linked tab
  3. Click on the overflow menu (...) and Edit
  4. If the custom field is established, enter in the details
  5. Click SAVE
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