Custom fields allow you to tailor your workflow to any order, part, supplier, or line item. These are additional data attributes that a customer can easily and quickly add to augment their Part, Order, or Supplier entities, with the data that is relevant to them/their teams.
To add custom fields, follow the following steps:
Click on the top right Avatar > Team Settings or Company Settings.
If prompted click the Team Name.
Click on the Custom Fields tab
Click Add Custom Field and follow these steps
- Name your field
- Identify the field type
- Currency
- Input the Currency type
- Date
- Long text
- Number
- Short text
- Currency
- Applies to
- Parts
- Part-suppliers link
- Order
- Line items
- Description
- Add optional field text
- Select if you wish to showcase this on each PO or as a default value
- Custom part-supplier fields do not appear on the PO PDF