Issuing a purchase order is a necessity as it confirms the buyer's intent with a supplier on a designated quantity, price, and item. With Workflows, you can track your purchase order timelines in accordance with your process or/and you can track nearly any supply chain related process such as transfer orders, indirect procurement or even product development/NPI.
How to issue a purchase order with workflows
If you want to create a purchase order from an existing order, check out Clone an order for more.
To create a new order:
- Open Anvyl
- Click Global Actions button.
- Click Add Order
- If ordering one or many parts from a single supplier, click Individual. If ordering the parts that make up an assembly, click on Assembly + Components.
These are the steps for using the Individual option:
- Select the supplier from the drop-down. You can scroll or search by supplier name.
- Optionally, you can similarly select options for Ship from, Ship to, Shipping Method, Incoterms, and Payment Terms.
- Select your desired Order workflow. Your default workflow will be automatically selected. Default workflows can be managed in your Workflow Library. Note: Once you issue the PO, you will not be able to change this configuration.
- Fill out as many dates as you would like. It is not required to fill out any dates, but it is helpful to establish a timeline by filling out as many dates as you have an estimation for.
- The PO Acceptance Milestone is the only milestone which you cannot input a date for since it relies on a user to provide the date once the PO is issued.
- Enter the order details like Parts, Quantity, and Unit Price. If you've set up Part-Supplier Links for what you are ordering, the price will automatically populate based on the quantity you enter.
- Add a PO number and notes to your purchase order. If no PO number is entered, Anvyl will assign a PO number which can be changed in draft mode before sending. At this step, you can also add other items to keep track of non-part-related expenses associated with the order (e.g. Tooling). All of this information is optional. You can always add it later if need be.
- Click Save to Draft to save your work or click Issue PO to preview your purchase order.
- Preview your purchase order and add a custom message to be included in the email to your supplier. Click Send when you’re ready to issue.
Note: If you are not ready to issue the order, click Save to Draft to save the PO for future editing. Alternatively, if you see something incorrect on the preview, click the Previous button to go back and edit.