Here are some commonly used terms when referencing logistics details and shipments in Anvyl.


Shipment Consolidation

Think of a Consolidation as place where you can add multiple orders, or line items across multiple orders, and track them all as with one or many tracked shipment requests. 

In a Consolidation, you will be able to:

  • Link multiple tracking references
  • Attach shipment-related documents
  • Add data related to shipments

If an order has been linked to a Consolidation, then the Consolidation detail will show up on the purchase order. 

  • An order can have multiple shipment consolidations linked to it
  • A shipment consolidation can contain more than one tracking reference


Tracking Reference

A Tracking Reference is a container or tracking ID that a customer enters to trigger a tracking request from Vizion or Project 44.

  • A manually entered tracking reference must always live within a shipment consolidation
  • Tracking references can also be text/URLs, which will not result in a Shipment Journey but will show up on the Consolidation and Order Detail Pages
  • You won't be able to link a tracking reference directly to an order. Create a consolidation and then link the order to the consolidation that houses the tracking reference.


Orphaned Tracking Request

An Orphaned Tracking Request is a tracking request that is generated:

  1. Via API
  2. By a Flexport/Mainfreight integration

Orphaned tracking requests may or may not be linked to an Order depending on the information that comes through the integration.

Orphaned tracking requests linked to an order will be visible on the Order Details Page (directly linked to the Order) and on the Shipments view. You will be able to take the action to link it to a Consolidation.

Orphaned tracking requests NOT linked to an order will be visible on the Shipments view. You will be able take the action to link it to an order or a Consolidation.


Shipment Journey

  • A Shipment Journey is another name for the Tracking Details page where we show the full route details of a tracked shipment and a map view of the journey progress. See sample below:

Shipment Journey.png


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