What's New

We focused on enhancing our Workflows experience to provide even more flexibility and customization, and also powered up our Views to give you tools for pulling actionable reports and personalized insights. Our latest updates aim to improve the way you interact with your supply chain data, ensuring you have the right information at your fingertips to make informed decisions.


Workflows Enhancements 

Milestone Ownership

We've added tooling to enforce milestone ownership on a Workflow - with this update, only milestone owners can update milestone dates or confirm/reject milestone statuses. 

Note: brand users will still be able to update all milestones.

Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 1.16.27 PM.png


Flexible Milestone Dates

We've also removed forced chronology for milestone dates. For brands using complex workflows with lots of milestones, this provides increased flexibility for milestone owners to update dates and accurately capture milestone completion.


Single Select Custom Fields

We heard all your feedback and have added support for single-select custom fields! Create custom single-select fields with defined options to keep your data clean and consistent. 

single select.png


Quickfilters on Views

Use our new Quickfilters to instantly refine large datasets, saving time and boosting efficiency! Access Quickfilters in Views and experience effortless data management. 

Available quickfilters:

  • Rejected POs → see a list of all rejected POs
  • Open POs → see a list of all issued POs
  • Draft POs → see a list of all draft POs
  • Recently Updated → see a list of all orders updated within the last 24 hours. An order has been updated if a milestone or order status has been changed, or edits were made that forced a re-issuing of a PO PDF.
  • Split Order Suggestions → see a list of all orders with split suggestions from suppliers.

More quickfilters to come!



Order Assignees Automation Library

We've added the ability for you to automatically set team members as Order Assignees on specific orders through an Assignee Automation Library under Company Settings > Orders > Order Assignees.

Brands with large buying teams or customers who simply have more complex needs for order ownership can now utilize the full set of Assignee features to manage orders.


  • Order assignees will receive all order notification emails (order updates, rejections/acceptances) about an order
  • Only brand users can be set as Order Assignees
  • You can have orders without Assignees - this means nobody will receive order update emails. Milestone owners will still receive milestone prompt emails.
  • Manage order assignees multiple ways:
    • When creating an order - set all, one, or multiple brand users to be order assignees. Any assignee selected at this point will be additive to whatever assignees are added via the automation library.
    • When editing an order - on the order details page, select Share/Assign to manage assignees.

Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 2.35.40 PM.png


Auto Apply MOQs

This one is for our power users - you can now choose to "Apply MOQs" (minimum order quantities) when creating or editing orders. 

Customers who upload hundreds of line items via CSV or simply work with large orders can use this functionality to quickly pull MOQ pricing saved on a part-supplier link.


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