For any brand users who wish to create a lot of purchase orders in one go, you can use the CSV Bulk Create feature:

bulk create 1 (1).png


Choose the workflow you want to work with - all bulk creation flows need to utilize the same workflow so we can correctly map the fields:

bulk create 2.png


Download both templates: (1) Orders, and (2) Order Items - fill out details for both to create an order.


Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 1.53.28 PM.png


Upload the CSVs in the Flatfile UI, and be sure to upload the Orders CSV under the "Add Orders" tab, and the Order Items CSV under the "Add order line items" tab.

bulk create 4.png



Required Fields

  • Not all fields are required to create a purchase order. These are the only required fields:
    • PO Number
    • Supplier
    • Line Item (Part) Name
    • Line Item (Part) Number
    • Line Item (Part) Quantity
    • Line Item (Part) Unit Price

All other fields are optional.


Milestone Key Dates

These are the accepted date formats for inputting any date values:

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