For any brand users who wish to create a lot of purchase orders in one go, you can use the CSV Bulk Create feature:
Choose the workflow you want to work with - all bulk creation flows need to utilize the same workflow so we can correctly map the fields:
Download both templates: (1) Orders, and (2) Order Items - fill out details for both to create an order.
Upload the CSVs in the Flatfile UI, and be sure to upload the Orders CSV under the "Add Orders" tab, and the Order Items CSV under the "Add order line items" tab.
Required Fields
- Not all fields are required to create a purchase order. These are the only required fields:
- PO Number
- Supplier
- Line Item (Part) Name
- Line Item (Part) Number
- Line Item (Part) Quantity
- Line Item (Part) Unit Price
All other fields are optional.
Milestone Key Dates
These are the accepted date formats for inputting any date values:
Note that DD/MM/YYYY is not an accepted date format.
Ship To / From Addresses
We utilize "fuzzy matching" for Ship To/From addresses:
- We'll attempt fuzzy matching for "Ship To/From Location Name" and "Address Line 1" and do our best to find a match based on those two fields
- If there is no match, you will see validation errors in Flatfile UI
- You will be able to select from an existing list of saved addresses
- You will NOT be able to create new addresses using the CSV Bulk Create Orders flow
Payment Terms, Incoterms, Ship Method
- You will be able to create custom (new) Incoterms using the CSV Bulk Create Orders flow
- You will NOT be able to create custom (new) Payment Terms using the CSV Bulk Create Orders flow
- You can only select from the available options in the dropdown
- You will NOT be able to create custom (new) Ship Methods using the CSV Bulk Create Orders flow
- You can only select from the available options in the dropdown
Maximum number of orders
- Note that the maximum run time for a bulk creation job is 30 minutes - if the job cannot be completed without 30 minutes, the entire job will fail and you'll have to start over.
- Coming soon: clearer guidance on the maximum # of orders created at one time.