The Parts Library can help you keep an up-to-date record of part information in one place. Within a part you can add it to a bill of materials, save the latest design files, and/or categorize parts using tags, with an extra level of organization.
To add an assembly of parts or create a bill of materials, follow the instructions below:
- Log into Anvyl
- Click the Global Action button
- Select Add part
- Click Individually
- Name your assembled item
- Starter Kit
- Comprised of other finished goods
- Finished Product
- Shampoo
- Components it includes:
- Bottle
- Cap
- Folding Carton
- Shampoo
- Name your assembled item
- Click Individually
- Select Add part
- Click NEXT
- To add a component, click New if the component part is not already in Anvyl.
(Alternatively: If the component is already in Anvyl, click From Library and search for the component part you wish to add) - Enter the count per assembly of that component part.
- Add a part number, any design files or specifications, and custom tags you’d like to associate with the component part (optional). If no part number is entered, Anvyl will provide one.
- Continue the process of adding new component parts in this manner until you’ve built out your assembly.
- Click Save and you’ll be landed on the newly created Part Detail Page for that assembly part.
- Accessible to view in the Assemblies base under the Parts view
Below is an example of an assembly part with a ratio of sub-component parts.