Messages are tied to a specific order in Anvyl. Therefore, in order to use Messages, you must have a purchase order in your account. To learn how to issue a purchase order, please visit the article here.

To send a new message, perform the following steps.

  1. If you've received a message in your email inbox via Anvyl, you can Reply All directly from your email and the message will be added to Anvyl to the corresponding order. If you are starting a new message thread, follow the steps below.
  2. When logged into Anvyl, you can use global search to click into the order
  3. Or through one of the Orders base views you can hover over the order, click the overflow menu "..." and Post new comment
  4. This will direct you to the Messages tab.
  5. Start typing your new message.
  6. If you are directing the message to a specific person, you may wish to tag the person in your message, as anyone who has changed their email settings to only be notified when tagged may not receive your message. Tag someone by typing the @ symbol followed by the recipient's name. Your recipient's name should appear in a dropdown menu. Click on the name of the person you wish to tag.
  7. Select the eyeball icon to select who the message should be visible to.
  8. Besides directly tagging a person you can comment about a specific SKU and/or Order that has been previously issued by also using the @ symbol
  9. Click the POST COMMENT button.


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